4:49 PM
God Panorama in Bedugul, Bali
Travel Loan and Insurance
Bedugul is one of the places / tourist attraction that offers Balinese mountains and natural beauty of the lake. High place this region is always shrouded in mist and cold berhawa. Bedugul area is part of the district of Tabanan and is approximately 70 km or 2.5 hours from the International Airport (Airport) Ngurah Rai. There are some places / tourist objects to be missed unfortunately, what is?
1. Beratan Lake Tour, Beratan DanuDanau Ulun is one tourist attraction in Bedugul which unfortunately if you miss. The cool weather during the day makes you feel comfortable to enjoy the scenery around the lake Beratan. To enjoy the scenery around the lake, you can rent boats and canoes boot. Very suitable for you and your family or with your partner to enjoy the natural beauty around the lake Beratan.
Lake Beratan Bedugul is located in the area, the Village Candikuning, Baturiti District, Tabanan, Bali. Being in the provincial road that connects Denpasar - Singaraja and situated close to the Eka Karya Botanical Garden makes this place became one mainstay tourist island of Bali. Besides easy reach of Lake Beratan also provides a variety of charm and adequate accommodation.
In the middle of the lake there is a temple of Ulun Danu, which is a place of worship to Sang Hyang Dewi Danu as a giver of fertility.
2. Tourism Object Eka Karya Botanical Garden Bedugul Bali
Heaven ... that's the first impression when you set foot on Eka Raya Botanical Garden. Pain tired, tired, stressed, or feeling the burden will gradually disappear when it entered the area of the botanical gardens is Eka Karya. Location not far from Lake Beratan, about 2 km. Cruising range of about 2 hours or 70 km from Denpasar or 40 km from Singaraja to travel overland. To go to the botanical gardens area Eka Karya, you will be subject to tariffs. Based on Government Regulation No. 75/2007, the entry fee is:
1. Ticket visitor / person: Rp. 7000, --
2. Parking Ticket Wheel 2: Rp. 3000, --
3. 4-wheel parking tickets: Rp. 6000, --
4. Parking Ticket Wheel 6: Rp. 12.000, --
5. Ticket cars entered: Rp. 12.000, --
Tariffs include insurance PT. Jasaraharja Son and contribution to the government of Tabanan.
This garden was established on July 15, 1959, at first Eka Karya Botanic Garden Bali is only for plant species coniferae. Along with developments and changes in the status and large territory, the garden located at an altitude of 1250 to 1450 this mdpl now a region ex-situ conservation of tropical mountain vegetation Eastern Indonesia. Botanical area originally only 50 ha, but right now the botanical gardens to extensive 157.5 ha.
1:30 PM
Trik and Tips to get loan from bank
Travel Loan and Insurance
Want to develop business? You'll need a capital. There are many sources of loans you can get Danayang. As of close friends, parents, cooperatives, or banks.
But that need dingat, there is always accompanying requirements. Well, if you want to borrow capital from banks, these tips from the head of the Small Business Development of Indonesian State Banking . the bank will assess according to the principle of 5 C, the character (character), capital (equity), collateral (security), capacity (capacity of business), and condition (business conditions).
For the character, the things that visits include a commitment that built the business, business records such as suppliers, customers, and the history of banking. Banks will see if the business Offset Digital Printing you ever had a history of troubled loans or not.
From the capital side, the bank saw the capital needed for business. Ayu said, the bank can not provide 100 percent financing to businesses that make capital. "There should be self-financing (own capital), whether it comes from paid-in capital or accumulated profits into capital.
Capital, among others, viewed from the composition of ownership that anyone, who the dominant currency, and who board the capital. This is important, because by knowing who is in control of this capital, the bank will know how to run a business continuity in the future.
Of this loan, Ayu also said that the proposed business capacity is also a contributing factor. Bank, among others will see the results of sales, cost structure, cash flow, the velocity of charges and fees on income.
"Banks lend capital, with the meaning of these banks are also wanting the sustainability of return on capital. In the proposal, the capacity of this proposed business is very important status. For business conditions (Translator) usually is seen is licensing. "Micro usual, this permission can from village or subdistrict head. To guarantee what could be guaranteed, Ayu said, there are two types of collateral that can be used as collateral, ie the tangible such as equipment, machinery, vehicles, buildings, or land.
As for the guarantees of such intangible personal or corporate guarantee as security provided credit insurance. Learn more How to Get a Small Business Loan: A Banker Shows You Exactly What to Do to Get a Loan (Small Business Series , No 1)
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1:06 PM
How to Chooce a Good Insurance Company
Travel Loan and Insurance
Choosing a good insurance company is not easy. Especially in the midst of intense competition among insurance companies today.
Many insurance companies claim they are the best. This can be seen if there is an insurance product offered to the public through ads, almost nothing is less. Similarly, the performance they do, always featured a fine. Somewhat rarely express insurance company management weaknesses they experience.
However, there are several factors that should be considered in the process of choosing a particular insurance company for life insurance and loss.
Things to remember that in choosing a private insurance company, then that should be considered in general are three factors: First, the financial strength (security). Second, services (service). And third, the cost.
The financial strength of insurance related to the company's financial ability to fulfill its promise if the situation requires. It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies are looking at the flashy exterior. For example storey building, a vehicle that good directors. But when there claims from customers, the company can not pay.
In assessing the financial strength of this there are some benchmarks that need attention.
* Asset and liability. This can be seen from the financial balance sheet is published in the newspaper. See also, whether planted in the current investment or longterm. In terms of liability (ability to pay off liabilities) will look at the balance sheet, how the debts by reasuradur, how he fulfilled the obligation to pay claims, and so forth.
Indicators of net liabilities include equity (own capital) divided by net premiums (net premiums) of at least 50%. Own capital divided by gross premiums (gross premiums) of at least 20%. Limits solvabilitasnya level, which looks from its own capital divided by net premiums of at least 10% and investment funds a minimum technical reserves divided by 100%.
* Underwriting Policy. On the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit, or profit growth. This means it underwiting polcy good.
* Underwriter him. Insurance has personnel qualified or not. It is known from the profile companies that includes the underwriters him.
Services (service) is the extent to which the mirror of human resources at the company's qualified or not. Moreover, insurance companies are selling a service, so excellent service is the key. For example, the extent to which the speed of service in both the policy issue especially in the payment of compensation or claim. In addition, about the service can actually be felt by the customer. Is this insurance company was absolutely the best service for its customers.
In this connection should also be questioned, whether this insurance company in reinsurance mereasuransikan first-class safety. This can be seen from its annual report. It is important to note, because if the company is not in - backed up by reinsurance, the company is likely to be speculative in receiving the premiums.
The problem is how much the cost of expenses incurred by insurance companies in operation. If it is greater than the cost of income, then obviously the company is not efficient. If it's not efficient, it will end up losing money. And if the losses continue, certainly not healthy.
In this connection, could also see the price premiums. Compare the price of insurance premiums with other insurance. Where the quality really good.
Today the government has set a benchmark of health insurance (not the only one) is through mekanime RBC (risk capital base). If his numbers of RBC, it means the company is valued in good condition. But we must not be fixed solely with RBC numbers. Because, can also be a large company that is doing great expansion like to open many branches, then his RBC numbers would be small.
Conversely, there is a small insurance company but never to expand, the RBC number was probably much greater.
Thus, RBC numbers can not be used as the only measure, whether the insurance company is healthy or not.
In this case, also noteworthy is the company's performance in two or three years. How big profits every year, how much the gross premiums they receive each year, how much additional capital and assets every year.
And last but not least is how the company's management behavior for this. Is there a management company for this broken promise? Has this company management experience defaults, and so forth.
Tips Choosing a Life Insurance Company
In choosing the Life Insurance company, one of which is to assess reputation. Reputation can we value from three things, namely:
1. Reputation Services
2. Financial Reputation
3. Reputation Owners and Management
Reputation Services
How to assess the reputation of the service, one way is to go to his own office the insurance company. Or at least you know where his office is located. Assess the service provided when you go to the company. With these companies come to own so you can know what kind of service quality that you'll meet when you have to come later, for example, in taking care of your insurance money. This can be done if the Insurance companies are embracing bancassurance system. Example: Central Asia Raya (CAR) and others.
If the Insurance companies are using the agency system, choose an insurance agent who actually has a good atitutude, can explain the products with the best interests of clients (rather than self-interest, as the basis for getting a larger commission), have emotions strong at the moment to explain the product sold. Example: Central Asia Raya (CAR), and others.
Financial Reputation
Assessing Financial reputation is to assess the company's financial statements could you ask for, or you see in the media both print and electronic media. Assess how big the company's capital strength compared with other companies. Value also how good a company's cash flow from these. In the world of insurance, the technical term or RBC Risk Based Capital. This is a way to assess your health insurance company.
Companies choose RBC Insurance has over 120 percent. If you are unsure what is RBC, just ask me how much your insurance company RBC to your insurance agent. If a little less than 120 percent, that is okay, but should think again. Less than that, better find the others. My advice, plilihlah insurance companies that have RBC above 120%.
Reputation Owners and Management
Consider also who owns the majority and who is the manager of your insurance company. See if they have an impeccable reputation in the community. Indeed, sometimes it may seem a bit subjective, but there is nothing wrong if you know who the owners and managers who your insurance company. If they have an impeccable reputation, avoid it immediately.
Another tip, if you choose a Life Insurance company joint venture, you can see how the reputation of the foreign companies in many other countries. Your insurance agent usually has a collection of news about how the reputation of the foreign companies in a number of other countries.
And if you select a local Insurance company (not the joint venture), then choose a company that has a reputation "resilient", ie companies that are old enough and have been through many crises.
From the simple tips above can help you reduce the risk does not pay your claim by the insurance company. Most important, do not then you become afraid to take out. Learn More Cheap Insurance for Your Home, Automobile, Health, & Life: How to Save Thousands While Getting Good Coverage
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12:55 PM
Syari'ah Insurance, Forbidden or Allowed ?
Travel Loan and Insurance
Indonesia is a country, where the majority of the population are followers of Islam. However, the development of products with new sharia principles berkembangn approximately 3-4 years ago, one of which is Islamic insurance products pioneered by PT Asuransi Takaful Indonesia, which was founded in 1994.
After that, syariah-based insurance started to be worked by a few companies with the establishment of sharia division. With the continued development of products based on sharia, then we see the importance of introducing an insurance product specifically sharia.
Before going in the principles and mechanisms of these products, many Muslims who think that insurance is haram. Is it true? Join the discussion below
Insurance is not Islamic?
Some Muslims believe that the same insurance and qadar qodlo opposed or contrary to fate. Islam basically admitted that the accident, misfortune and death is the destiny of God. This can not be rejected. It's just that we as humans are also instructed to make plans for the future. Allah says in surah Al-Hashr: 18, which means
"O ye who believe! Bertaqwalah to God and let every soul consider what he has done for tomorrow (future) and bertaqwalah Allah. Sesunguhnya Allah knows what you are doing ". Clearly in this verse we dipertintahkan to plan what we will do for the future.
In the Qur'an, letter Joseph :43-49, God describes the example of man's form of protection systems face the possibility of a bad future. In summary, this verse tells of the question by the Egyptian king neighbor to the Prophet Joseph's dream. Where is the king of Egypt dreamed of seeing seven tails a fat cows eaten by seven skinny cows, and he also saw seven stalks of wheat and seven green fruits are red stems are not dried fruit.
Prophet Joseph in this answer that you raise seven years and the results should be stored in part. Then after that will come seven years of very hard, who spend what you save for menghadapapi hard times tesebut, except a little of what is stored.
Very clear in this verse we are encouraged to try to maintain the continuity of life with the possibility meproteksi bad condition. And the above verse clearly states that do not conflict with berasurnasi destiny, and even suggested the existence of God's efforts toward planning the future with protection sisitem known in the insurance mechanism.
So, if the system or insurance protection is justified, the next question is: whether the insurance as we know now (conventional insurance) meets the other requirements in the concept of Islamic Muamalat. In conventional insurance mechanism, especially life insurance, there are at least three things that are forbidden by the scholars, namely: the element of gharar (explanations lack of funds), the element maisir (gambling / gambling) and riba (interest). These will be described in detail penjelasaan about the difference between conventional and Islamic insurance.
Conventional and Islamic insurance
Islamic insurance and conventional insurance has the same goal of management or risk reduction. The fundamental difference between the two is how the management of conventional risk management of insurance risk transfer from the participants to the insurance companies (risk transfer), while life insurance sharia principles embraced by helping participants to share risk between the life insurance (risk sharing).
Besides differences in the way of risk management, there are differences in how to manage the savings element of insurance products. Management of insurance funds to adopt sharia Islamic investment and free from ribawi elements.
In detail, the differences between Islamic insurance and conventional insurance can be seen in the following sections:
Contract or Covenant
Clarity of contract or covenant in practice the principle of muamalah be valid because it will determine whether or not the sharia. Similarly, the contract between the participants with insurance companies. Apply to conventional insurance contracts in sharia-called sale and purchase contract (tabaduli).
In this contract must meet the terms of the sale contract. Ketidakjelasaan issue premium amount to be paid because it depends on the age of the participants which God only know when we die containing a conventional insurance lead what is called gharar-ketidakjelasaan the covenant contract resulting exchange property in conventional insurance, in practice legally flawed
So that in life insurance contracts used sharia is not a contract but the sale and purchase contract please help (takafuli). Islamic insurance so use what is known as the tabarru contract can be interpreted as charity or donations. This contract is a valid alternative to cash and justified in escaping from the unlawful practice of conventional insurance.
The purpose of the fund tabarru 'is a virtue to provide funds for the purpose of sincere intention to help each other with each other sharia fellow participants if such insurance is affected by the disaster. Therefore tabarru funds 'stored in a khsusus account, where if there is a risk, given the claim funds from the trust fund is tabarru' which was intended by all participants for helping purposes.
Al-Mudharabah contracts
Explanation of the above, the contract tabarru 'is a grant that was allocated when the accident occurred. While elements in the life insurance may also be a savings. In Islamic insurance, savings or investments must comply with sharia.
In this case, the pattern of investment for which the results are characteristic of the insurance company is managing the funds collected from the participants. Technically, al-mudaraba is the covenant of business cooperation between two parties where the first party to provide the entire (100 percent) of capital, while others become managers.
Business profits are divided according to the agreement mudaraba set forth in the contract, whereas if the loss, borne by the owners of capital loss is not due to negligence on the manager. If the losses resulting from fraud or kelalian the manager, the manager will be responsible for the losses.
Disepkati sharing contract in front so that if there is a profit distribution will follow the contract for these results. Suppose the contract for the result is 60:40, where participants get 60 percent of the profits of insurance companies were getting 40 percent of the profits.
In relation to investment, which is one element in insurance premiums, must comply with Islamic law which does not recognize what is commonly referred to as usury. Conventional insurance invest all the funds with interest rate mechanism.
With conventional insurance so hard to avoid usury. While Islamic insurance daolam must keep investing into various investment funds based on Islamic Sharia al-mudaraba system.
Scorched Fund
In the conventional insurance fund known charred, where participants can not continue to pay premiums and wanted to resign before the expiration. Similarly, conventional life insurance Non-saving (no savings element) or insurance losses, if discharged MSA contracts and there is no claim, the insurance premiums paid or become charred insurance company profits.
In Islamic insurance concept, the mechanism does not know the funds expire. New participants who entered though for some reason it wants to resign, then the funds or the premium previously paid can be taken back except a small portion which is intended to fund tabarru 'that can not be retrieved.
Similarly, the general Islamic insurance, if the contract expired and there is no claim, so the company returned some of these premiums to the pattern of results, say 60:40 or 70:30 in accordance with the contract agreement in advance. In this case it is very possible that the premium paid at the beginning of the year can be taken back and the number is very dependent to the level of investment in that year.
Sharia Insurance Benefits
Islamic insurance can be alterntif protection option for the Islamic religion who want the product in accordance with Islamic law. This product can also be an option for followers of other religions who see Islamic concept of justice for them. Sharia is a principle or a system that was the universal nature which can be used by anyone who was interested.
So a quick overview of Islamic insurance. Learn More Islamic Insurance: A Modern Approach to Islamic Banking (Islamic Studies Series)
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12:21 PM
Fantastic Image from Chichen Itza
Travel Loan and Insurance
Chichen Itza is a Mayan civilization sites in Mexico 800SM century. Pyramid of Kukulcan at this historic site complex believed to be the center of political and economic activities Mayan civilization located in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico area now). Merupkan Itza central point of the building complexes such as Kukulcan Pyramid, Temple of Chac Mool, and building Tiang Seribu
Temple Chichen Itza is a Mayan archaeological heritage of the most complete and well preserved. Mayan civilization sites in Mexico was, on July 7, 2007, was selected as one of the seven wonders of the world's 100 million people a choice via email and sms (short message service) held by the Swiss Foundation.
According to the Mayan culture of the Chilam Balam, the temple complex was built between 502-522 AD. Mayan inhabitants only 200 years, then they move to the coast of Campeche. Yet another version says, Chichen Itza was built around 800 years BC.
Pyramid of Kukulcan at this historic site complex believed to be the center of political and economic activities Mayan civilization located in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico area now).
Itza is the central point of the building complexes such as Kukulcan Pyramid, Temple of Chac Mool, and building Tiang Seribu.
Chichen Itza in the temple there are two cenotes (natural wells) which is used as a place to put a sacrifice. It is said that Maya Indians who inhabited the city was offering jade, ceramics, and even humans to be included in the well. Offerings were given when the drought struck.
Sometimes offerings of young girls to be put alive into the well. Role of the well is so important because there is no Yukatan Peninsula rivers. The only source of water when the drought hit is from the wells.
The name Chichen Itza means any water on the lips of the people's eyes in the local Indian language. Thus, Chichen Itza developed into the economic center of government and Mayan culture.
Chichen Itza Mexico (New 7 Wonders of the World)
It is said, Chichen Itza is a symbol of worship and science. Chichen Itza was founded Toltec king named Quetzalcoatlyang tribe came to the Peninsula Yukatan with his troops. At that time the Maya had settled in the area, then together Toltec tribes, began to build the pyramid-like temples. Thus, the peak period of Chichen Itza is a mixture of Toltec and Maya cultures.
One of the largest temple was erected Kukulkan. Based on Mayan legend, the god Kukulkan is a snake-haired incarnation of Quetzalcoatl. Temple of Kukulkan pyramid bertangga, with terraces. On each side of a square pyramid, there are steps to the summit. At the top there is the entrance to the room Crown King Jaguar Stone Kukulkan, which was painted red and green spots of moss.
At Chichen Itza there is also a field game similar to a basketball game today. Games 'pok ta pok' throw the ball through a circle on the wall 7 feet above the ground. The captain of the team who first succeeded in shooting the ball would cut off his head as an offering to the gods.
In the year 1221, a rebellion broke out. Wooden roofs, markets and temples burned knight. Yukatan power over any move to Mayapan, until the Spanish conquerors arrived.
This temple complex is extensive and each temple separated from each other with others. In the middle stands the temple of El Castilo (Palace) of complete renovation. Pyramid shape, the roof just dull. Seeing the temple El reminiscent Castilo Sukuh temple in Karanganyar, Solo. Both this temple as the temple of El kembar.Keistimewaan brother Castilo are the steps to the temple. Any date 21Maret and 23 September between day and night equal length. At that time during the day, the temple steps shadows. So that our eyes deceived, as if there were a lot of snakes up the temple. But the next day at the same time will seem as if the snake came down the steps.
Around the temple complex there is a statue called the Red Jaguars. According to Bishop Landa, in this place are often held ceremonies. Victim of a panther (Jaguar), turtles, turkeys, dogs or any animal heart. Even sometimes the victims are men.
Around the temple complex found in all eight patungChac Mool. Human-shaped statues sitting up position. Both holding tanggannya offerings and head turned to the left. Chac Mool to worship the god of rain.
Still in the Chichen Itza complex, there are two walls of equal height. Arena between the two walls that the Maya used to play ball. It is possible that the ball made of rubber, considering that the area around the rubber trees grow. Not only the Maya who likes to play ball, but also Zapotec tribe. Learn More Artifacts from the Cenote of Sacrifice, Chichen Itza, Yucatan (Peabody Museum Memoirs)
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12:08 PM
The Sacret Of Christ Redeemer Brazil
Travel Loan and Insurance
CHRIST Redeemer or Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor) is a statue of Jesus Christ in the style of Art Deco architecture and the largest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue has a height of 38 meters and is located at the top of Corcovado Mountain is 710 m high in the Tijuca Forest National Park, overlooking the city.
CHRIST Redeemer Brazil (Statue of Christ the Redeemer) (7 Wonders of the World)
This statue is a symbol of Christianity, and became a symbol of city pride. This statue hand open seen by many as a sign of the warmth of the Brazilian population.
The idea to build a large statue atop Corcovado had emerged since the mid 1850s, when imamKatolik Pedro Maria Boss requested financing from Princess Isabel to build a large religious monument.
Princess Isabel did not gagsan it, which was completely dismissed in 1889, when Brazil became a republic, with laws mandating the separation of church and state.
The second proposal for a large landmark statue on the mountain was made in 1921 by the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro. Archdiocese of organizing an event called Semana do Monumento ( "Monument Week") to attract donations, which came mostly from Brazilian Catholics.
The designs considered for the "Statue of Christ" included a representation of the Christian cross, a statue of Jesus with a globe in his hand, and a pedestal symbolizing the world. Eventually the statue of Christ the Redeemer with open arms was chosen.
Christ Redeemer designed by Heitor da Silva Costa and the sculpture by Paul Landowski French origin. Project done for 9 years from 1922 until October 12, 1931, at a cost of 250,000 U.S. dollars.
The statue is made from a mixture of concrete and stone. When development Railroad built to carry large pieces of sculpture to the top of the mountain. The statue was inaugurated on October 12, 1931.
To see this statue from the need to climb 220 steps. But on January 20, 2003 has built an elevator and sekalator. So do not bother anymore. Learn More The Reign of Christ on Earth: The Voice of the Church in All Ages Concerning the Coming and Kingdom of the Redeemer
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11:31 AM
Admire The Classic View of Colosseum in Roma
Travel Loan and Insurance
The Colosseum is a relic of a large theater / Amphitheater which is one of the "Seven Medieval Wonders of the World." Located in the State Capital of Italy, Rome, called the original "Flavian Amphitheater", founded by King Vespasian and completed by his son Titus.
COLOSSEUM Rome, Italy (7 Wonders of the World)
About the year of manufacture until now there are differences in beliefs. Some say that the Colosseum was made in the year 79 BC, there is also the opinion that was made between the years AD 70-82.
But, most archaeologists believe that the Colosseum was made in the year 70-82 AD Origin of the Colosseum's name comes from a 130 foot tall statue or 40 m called Colossus
The Colosseum is set to accommodate 50,000 spectators.
Building Construction
Reconstruction of the Colosseum started from the command of King Vespasian in 72 AD and completed by his son Titus in 80 AD The Colosseum was established adjacent to the enermous Nero's palace, the Domus Aurea had awoke after a large fire in Rome in 64 AD Some historians believe that the construction of the Colosseum to be funded by way of robbing the temple in Jerusalem by the agents of King Herod in the year 64 AD
Dio Cassius a historian said that there are approximately 9000 wild animals who have been killed in 100 days as a celebration of the inauguration and the opening of the Colosseum. The floor of the Colosseum arena was covered with sand to prevent the blood-the blood does not flow anywhere.
At the Colosseum at the time was the venue for a spectacular show, which is a fight between animals (venetaiones), the fight between prisoners and animals, the execution of prisoners (noxii), combat water (naumachiae) by flooding the arena, and the battle between gladiators (munera ). For hundreds of years, the estimated thousands of people and animals die in the Colosseum shows.
COLOSSEUM Rome, Italy (7 Wonders of the World)
The name of the Colosseum as in the above is taken from the name of a statue as high as 130 feet or 40 m, Colossus.
Colossus Statue is regenerated as a substitute for Nero as the parable of the Sol, the sun god, by adding the crown of the sun. In the mid-year, Colossus statue has disappeared. An expert said that since the statue was made of copper, the statue has been merged to be reused.
Apart from the name of Colossus, the Colosseum is also known as the Flavian Amphitheater is not known who gave the name. In Italy, the Colosseum was named il Colosseo Rome, but other languages use the name and colisée el le coliseo to mention the Colosseum.
Colosseum large enough. Height 48 m, length 188 m, 156 m wide and the entire building area approximately 2.5 ha to the Colosseum seemed so big and wide. Arenanya made of wood measuring 86 mx 54 m, and covered by sand. Elliptical or circular from the Colosseum point to prevent the players to run to the corner and prevents the audience to be closer to the show.
The Colosseum is the result of a very great work. The place was said to be a great stadium and spectacular because of the shape and structure of the Colosseum. Until now, the Colosseum is said to be a great stadium and spectacular. Seats in the Colosseum are divided into levels of different.
Podium, the first place to sit is devoted to the Roman senators. Special room for the king's resting place, where the property is also located on this level. Under the podium is maeniaum Primum, which is devoted to the Roman nobility. The third level is the Primum maenianum divided again into three parts. The bottom (immum) used for the rich, at the top again (summum), used for the commoners. And last, in the wood (maenianum secundum in legneis) is the place of the wooden structure at the top of the building. It was a place to stand is used for minor women.
After 2 years of the Colosseum used as the venue, Vespasian ordered the youngest child to construct an underground area (Hypogeum), two levels of underground lines interconnected in the form of tunnels and cages where gladiators and animals are placed before the fight begins. There is also provided in the form of the pitfalls that trap door is used to prevent entry of wild animals are not planned into the arena and to maintain storage of weapons in the Colosseum.
COLOSSEUM Rome, Italy (7 Wonders of the World)
The Colosseum was in use until the year 217, although it has been damaged due to lightning fires. The Colosseum has been corrected in the year 238 and gladiatorial games continued into the Christian community gradually stop the game because too many take casualties.
The building used to store various types of animals until the year 524. Two earthquakes in the year 442 and 508 caused severe damage to the building. In the middle Ages, the Colosseum suffered very severe damage caused by another earthquake in the year of 1349 and 847 and serve as a fortress and a church was also established there.
Many marble stones are used to coat and rebuild parts of the Colosseum which was damaged by fire. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Roman families using the Colosseum as a place of extraction of marble stone for building construction St. Peter's Basilica and the special residence Palazzi, Roman family.
In the year 1749, there was a form of maintenance of the Colosseum. Pope Benedict XIVmelarang to use the Colosseum as a place of mining. In 2000 there was an outcry in Italy in order to oppose the use of capital punishment for countries around the world (in Italy, the death penalty was abolished in 1948).
Some demonstrators wore in front of the Colosseum. Since then, as a gesture against the law of the capital, local residents to change the color of the Colosseum at night from white to gold with a candle lighting and neon lights to the time when the whole world abolish the action execution.Learn More The Colosseum
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